So, I couldnt wait that much to do another one. Had 10 minutes to spare, and I was like, "okay, I'll do problem 9 of leet code". Essentially this was the next easy problem following the two sum.
Right of the bat I knew this can be done in a one liner, so I wanted to test if its efficient I mean, I'm sure that built in methods are efficient right?
So this is what I came up with
var isPalindrome = function(x) {
return x.toString().split("").reverse().join("") === x.toString();
We need to convert the x
to a string since its an integer, then we split it into an array, reverse it, and join it back into a string.
By doing the ===
we are comparing the reversed string with the original string and returning a boolean forced by the comparison operator.
This complies with the problem requirements, and all in one line.
Essentially this was o(n) so good enough